
Art Shelter

paintings, stories, ideas


Category: Fiction

  • The Vitruvian man woke up from his centuries-long slumber, feeling like an old-school relic in a world obsessed with kale smoothies and 10-step skincare routines. His chiseled abs and symmetrical limbs just didn’t cut it anymore. He wanted to be a real influencer, damn it! So, he hopped on the latest bandwagon, diving headfirst into […] more ›

  • Jah-Kül was a legendary jazz musician, a smooth operator who could make his trumpet sing soulful melodies that set hearts on fire. His improvisational genius could ignite even the sleepiest souls and he ruled the stage with the coolness of a polar bear sipping a margarita in the Arctic. But life has a way of […] more ›

  • Willa was the kind of girl who had no friends. And I mean zero, zilch, nada. It wasn’t because she was particularly strange or hideous. No, Willa simply had a knack for being friend-repellant, repelling any potential companionship within a five-mile radius. Now, you might think this would make Willa a lonely, mopey mess. But […] more ›

  • In the golden age of the Renaissance, where the musk of freshly ground pigments mingled with the spark of divine inspiration, there emerged a hot-headed painter named Giovanni. Clad in tattered robes, he roamed the cobbled streets, his eyes aflame with fiery passion. Known as the angriest painter of his time, he was incapable of […] more ›

  • Known in hell as a stylish devil, always impeccably dressed in the latest demonic fashion, Bartholomew found himself weary from his eternally wicked duties and elegant facade. Seeking respite from his nefarious machinations, he decided to indulge in a sunny afternoon of skinny dipping in the pure virgin waters of a secluded stream. Shedding his […] more ›

  • In a forgotten era, where the wild winds howled through ancient caves and the firelight danced upon the rugged terrain, there lived a cave painter named Grunt. While his fellow cave painters honed their skills in classic depictions of hunts, gatherings, and primitive rituals, Grunt found himself irresistibly drawn to the captivating beauty of the […] more ›

  • In a village not so far away, nestled amidst rolling hills and towering trees, there was an old, decrepit mansion. A foreboding fortress with crumbling walls and creaking floors, it boasted an impressive collection of cobwebs, secret passages, and artworks.  “Well being as there’s no other place around the place, I reckon this must be […] more ›

  • Once upon a lonesome time, Jaxson was a painter walking around the edge of town looking for a place to drink and die. He went down a dark alley he had never taken before. Without warning, a flash of neon light stabbed his eyes. The sign read, “Underdog.”       Jaxson walked inside the […] more ›

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